Our new range of Softboards is the most thoughtfully designed board construction method engineered specifically to meet the demands of surf schools anywhere. The unique colour designs – aside from giving these boards a classic look – were carefully developed to visually assist the surf student to learn to ride more quickly: The black tail-area shows the rider where to park her feet while paddling. No more lying to far forward or backward on the board! Additionally, blue-coloured areas provide foot placement references for takeoff and riding. The placement of the colour marks is optimally proportioned for one-size-fits-all usage.

Softboard Construction
Our Softboard construction is unique. EPS cores with wood stringers, 6-ounce fiberglass, wood veneer reinforced foot placement areas, full EVA deck, slick bottom, and soft fins are all common design features for school boards. However, at norden we are always looking to go the extra mile to improve performance and user friendliness. With this in mind, our Softboards are additionally equipped with rails that are completely foiled and shaped, just like on any normal surfboard. This feature gives a beginner a much better chance to maneuver the board from day one. The EVA nose- and tail-blocks are not glued onto the outside, as is common for ordinary school boards. Instead they are laminated into the construction and will never come off. These construction improvements, combined with the teaching-aid EVA colour-stripe deck design, open up a completely new way of teaching people how to surf. This makes the Norden Softboard the strongest and most advanced schooling board available on the market today.